Workforce Development

Today’s job market requires considerably more qulifications than in the past. AKAM ‘sWorkforce Preparation training is designed to prepare you for such situations. No matter what your goals are, our staff is committed to cultivating your skills and promoting self-sufficiency. Workforce Preparation courses are four-week sessions, which occur Thursdays, from 2:30-4:30pm.


  • Resume Preparation
  • Microsoft Office applications
  • Decorum & Attire
  • Employment Placement

The framework behind the name of our organization came from a sermon titled “A Knock At Midnight” preached by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr


400 W. 76th St, STE. 206 Chicago, IL 60620


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

© Copyright 2021 by A KNOCK AT MIDNIGHT