Youth Engaged In Schools (YES)

AKAM serves in partnership with Banner Schools to provide Workforce Development trainings during a ten weeks program focused on preparing students for transition from the juvenile detention center back into full-time high school. The program is operated through CPS Department of Graduation Pathways and is funded by the Illinois Department of Labor.

It is a voluntary program dedicated to providing youth with the education and workforce training required for achieving their goals and to assist in their efforts to avoid further involvement in the juvenile justice system. The daily schedule includes double period English and Math, workforce development, human relations and life skills course.

The YES program is structured around the belief that students who bond with their schools through supportive environments with strong academics and envision a future for themselves through education/career exploration and planning are less likely to become involved with gangs and the juvenile justice system and more likely to experience success in postsecondary endeavors.

The framework behind the name of our organization came from a sermon titled “A Knock At Midnight” preached by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr


400 W. 76th St, STE. 206 Chicago, IL 60620


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

© Copyright 2021 by A KNOCK AT MIDNIGHT