A Knock At Midnight, NFP (AKAM) is a non-for-profit, 501© (3) community- based organization established in September of 2003, located on the south side of Chicago, Illiniois. AKAM primarily focuses on providing direct services in the communities of Auburn Gresham, Englewood, West Englewood, and West Chatham. However, our services are also extended throughout the city and surrounding surburban areas.

AKAM’s mission is to collaborate and build linkages with public schools, churches, nonprofits and private community organizations and other business and government institutions. Community collaborations are developed to provide prevention education services for youth, adults, and families. Educational trainings are implemented to build positive character and enhance the life skills of all participants through seminars, workshops, and classroom based interactive projects. All program initiatives are designed to empower the community with improved knowledge, information, and educational opportunities.

AKAM’s purpose is to work with families within the heart of low-income neighborhoods and communities. The goal is to increase self-sufficiency, encourage productive citizenship and produce strong leaders throughout our communities. AKAM’s current program initiatives includes, Job Readiness and Financial Literacy, CPS Truancy Dropout Prevention, Teen REACH after-school program, HIV/AIDS Outreach, Computer Literacy Trainings, Youth Employment, Life Skills, and The Juvenile Justice Outreach.

The framework behind the name of our organization came from a sermon titled “A Knock At Midnight” preached by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr


400 W. 76th St, STE. 206 Chicago, IL 60620


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

© Copyright 2021 by A KNOCK AT MIDNIGHT